This article right here is the high existence roadmap to follow your bliss, increase your awareness, and master your existence for your entire lifetime.
1. Memorize Something Everyday
This will keep your brain sharp and your memory functioning at a high level. If you memorize quotes, you’ll soon have a huge library to best use at any moment.
2. Reduce Attachment to Possessions
Possessions end up owning you, and not the other way around Become a person with minimal needs, and you will be much more content.Â
3. Develop CuriosityÂ
Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Observe each moment as a completely unique event. Get out of your comfort zone and experience as many different environments and sensations as possible.
4. Remember Names
Remember people’s names so they feel appreciated. To do this, say their names back to them when they introduce themselves and continue to se their name in conversations.
5. Git Fit!
It’s ridiculous to think that we have one body, one sole means of functioning, and people are too lazy to take care of themselves. Fit bodies lead to better health, confidence, and more success with romantic endeavors. I’d say those are 3 very good reasons to get in shape.
6. Focus Only on the Present
The past is unchangeable, so it is futile to reflect on it unless you are making sure you do not repeat mistakes. And the future is just a result of your actions today. Remember that the present is where true power and vitality reside.Â
7. Live in this Special Moment
Don’t just focus on the present day or week, focus on the present MOMENT. Even 30 minutes ago is still the past. Live purely in the experience of this moment and you will find yourself able to let go of worry and anxiety.Â
8. Smile More
Just remember that while happiness leads to smiles, smiles also leads to happiness.
9. Drink Water
Soda has absolutely ZERO nutritional goodness; it’s like pouring a bunch of sugar and syrup into your cup. Instead, fill it with lite-replenishing water.
10. Don’t Take Life so Seriously!Â
Learn to laugh at your mistaken failures, and this whole “existence” thing will become a lot less difficult and stressful.Â
11. Think Positive Thoughts
No matter what is happening, always keep a lite-affirming state of mind. Know on the deepest level that life is a gift and an opportunity.Â
12. Knowledge is Power
Books are windows into many of the most brilliant and enlightened minds of history. Don’t miss the opportunity to nourish your soul with words of genius.Â
13. Get in the Sun
The sun feels amazing, and your entire body will be coursing with warmth, lite, and Vitamin D.
14. Help Others
Helping people has been a ripple effect. You grow by giving and helping others. It can change you in ways you never expected. Helping is the most fulfilling thing you can do in this planet.
15. Set a Specific Time to Worry Each Day
Ponder all of your problems and anxieties during that time so that they will not distract you during work or moments of pleasure.
16. Be Honest at All Times
Lies lead to nothing but trouble. Trustworthiness is an excellent trait to maintain and essential to having integrity.Â
17. Sleep Less
As enjoyable as sleep is, waking existence is much more fulfilling and efficient. Remember that fully adjusting to a new sleep cycle can take up to 21 days.
18. Forget About Insults Entirely
Voluntarily carrying around hateful words from others will only make your existence heavier. Just let it go.Â
19. Figure Out Your Goals
Achieving goal after goal is meaningless if you aren’t enjoying the process. However, goals and dreams can inspire us and give our lives direction. Let your goals motivate and guide you, while remembering to appreciate the journey.
20. Start Your Day Off Right
Wake up and set aside an hour for personal developmental activities that make you feel blissful, optimistic, and empowered. Remember, that TODAY is going to be the best day of your life.
21. The Burning Method
Whenever a fear of worry or compliant comes to mind, write it down and burn it. Proceed to watch it disintegrate. After doing this, you won’t have any problems ridding your mind of negative thought.Â
22. Travel
Observing a different culture will expand your mind while making you further appreciate the life you already have.Â
23. The Rubber Band Method
Place a rubber band around your wrist and snap it against your skin and time you find yourself stuck in a loop of anxious or destructive thoughts. This will remind you to take a breath and return to the present.Â
24. Stay Calm
Anger clouds our judgment and causes us to do things we will regret. Learn to avoid knee-jerk reactions and to respond calmly to upsetting circumstances.
25. Limit Online Activities
The internet is an awesome tool, but some sites can suck you in a waste tons of time that could be better spent doing something productive, creative, or loving.
26. Develop the Ability to Forgive
Grudges only bring misery to those who hold them and prevent relationships from healing.
27. Learn to Lucid Dream
You will be able to do anything; fly, travel to other planets, party with a celebrity, get intimate with your dream date. Your possibilities are infinite.
28. Be Known for Kindness and Empathy
Listen as if there is no one you would rather be listening to. Go out of your way to show others that you care.
29. Visualize Daily
What you focus on is what you get. Do you want more drama and negativity in your life, of do you want health, serenity, and joyful experiences?
30. Meditate Everyday for at Least 20 Minutes
The ability to quiet your mind and relax your body is an art and skill at everyone should develop.
31. Learn to Master Your Mind
While the human mind is described as being a stream of consciousness, that does not mean you can’t master where your stream flows.
32. Learn to Master Your Emotions
Feel your emotions deeply, but don’t let them control you.
33. Learn to Speed Read
Some books are meant to be savored, but others can be digested quickly. Learning to speed read will allow you to devour knowledge rapidly when the occasion calls for it.
34. Relax….
What’s the use od doing all of that work if you can’t have a little fun from time to time?
35. Work on Making Good First Impressions
People won’t know what to think of you if you have nothing more to say beyond,” My name is_, nice to meet you.” Plus, you might be marrying this person.
36. Fully Utilize Your Eyes
Remember to make eye contact when in conversation. Learn to look intimidating when needed and to turn away when the moment calls for it. Above all else, use your eyes to study the world around you.
37. Come Up With a Life Mantra
You know, like “Carpe Diem” or “Live life to the fullest,” but not as a cliche.
38. Be Mysterious
It’s good to be vulnerable and open, but it’s also good to be leave people guessing sometimes. Develop a charm that leaves people feeling warm and pleasantly curious.
39. Get Really Good at Something
Call it a hobby or a passion, whatever. Just get really good at it.
40. Work Out Those Abs
Of all the muscle groups is your body, your abs is the most important. They constitute your core, the center point of your body.
41. Keep Your Brain Sharp
Form new synapses by regularly pushing your mind to work in unfamiliar ways and solve challenging problems.
42. Read Something Inspirational Before Bed and After Waking
This will condition your mind to to see the world as amazing as it is! It will help you to wake up in a great mood at to carry the vibe throughout the day.
43. Do What You Love
There is a huge difference between making a life and making a living. Which one are you making right now? Are you truely following your bliss(ters)?Â
44. Choose Your Friends Wisely
You are affected far more than you think by the people you spend your time with.
45. Don’t Burn Bridges
Maintain your relationships with people even if you think you are never going to see them again.
46. Keep a Journal
Keeping a journal is a great way to organize your thoughts and track your growth over the years. This window into your past will become a precious artifact.Â
47. Go for Walks
When you are feeling unmotivated, depressed, angry or [insert bad emotion here], take a walk. It’s a surefire way to hit the reset button and get back into a positive mindset.
48. Learn to Use and Trust Your Intuition
Spend time in silence each day and listen not for words following other words but for a feeling that guides you to do something.
49. Develop a Charismatic Personality
You can be as charming and captivating as Julia Roberts, Sofia Vergara, or Jennifer Hudson. Realize the bliss of being alive and let it flow through you in many interactions.Â
50. Love Is All There Is
If you truly want to be a master of life, let love be in your everyday action. Love your friends, family, and enemies alike. Thank Gandhi. Love. Love. Love.Â