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Life > Experiences

How To Make Friends In College

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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Broward chapter.

Making friends in all of elementary, middle, and high school is usually easy in a lot aspects. However, making friends in college is a whole new world. The campus is bigger, different environment, and the lifestyle highly contrasts from the days before college. Here are some tips on how to make friends in college so you can have the best experience of a lifetime!

1. Join Clubs: 

Joining a club is one of the best ways to meet people in college. Find out if your college has a club for it, but make sure it is one your have a high interest in. As a matter of fact, it is even better to join a club where you not so familiar with the stubject matter. You will then be able to learn from your peers, and both you and your club mates will be learning something together. I mean, you don’t have to know science to join the science club. According to the bigger picture, the whole point of a club is for people to come together and to get to know each other, because without a shadow of a doubt you will be a lot of new people. This can include joining a sorority, fraternity, or even your school’s student government.

2. Get To Class Early:

Make sure to got to class 10 minutes early. Getting to class early can help you make friends, and in reality you should do this just to be punctual anyway. You can use the time to start at conversation, and while you and other students are waiting for class to start, you can get to know your classmates. A safe topic to bring up is the class material. Out of the following, you could talk about recent homework or tests, or even perhaps an eccentric professor. That way, it will establish a new found bond.

3. Do Everyday Activities Together:

Let’s just say this. You meet someone who just so happens that you can talk to occasionally, and you want to make plans to hangout, but in reality you just don’t know how. Keep it mind to make it simple! Have you ever heard of the expression, “killing tow birds with one stone?” Well, inviting someone to do regular everyday activities with you is a genius way of doing so.In addition, inviting someone to join you for coffee or a meal, study with you, or even go to the gym with you, can lead to a new routine together.

4. Join A Social Media Group:

Each college has many group pages on social media! In reality, many students are unaware of the fact that each college has may group pages on a lot of social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter that are meant for students to gather as a community. These pages are a great way for you to learn all that’s going on in your college. You may also have the opportunity to talk to your fellow classmates who either have the same major and interests as you, or who have questions about a class your in. Although, it can be a good medium for college students, you shouldn’t rely solely on social media to make friends.

5. Be Present: 

It can be tempting for students who stay in dorms to spend all their time in their dorm rooms, or for students who commute to college to go straight home after classes, but in reality that just makes it harder to make friends. Instead, make an effort to study in the school library, read your book under a tree on campus, or eat at the cafeteria. Just keep this in mind, being around campus opens up your chances of talking to someone and making friends of a lifetime. 

6. Attend Campus Events:

A lot of times, your college will host a number of events every semester. Get out of your comfort zone and attend, even if the event isn’t normally something you whould go to. Attend a few games just to see what all the hype is about, this is only if sports isn’t yout thing but you go to a big sports college. Exploring new things will give you more topics to talk about with your peers, open you up as a person as a whole, and most importantly will provide another avenue to make friends!

*It may be hard initially, but you should make an effort to follow these tips, which will most definitely open up many opportunities for you to converse and to get to know other students in your college. Keep it mind that it’s okay to feel nervous, but just remember that there are other students just like you who are also nervous in making friends as well. 


I'm Miss. Congeniality of Broward College North Campus, Events Coordinator of the Psychology Club at Broward College North Campus, new president of Her Campus Broward, I work for Student Services at Broward College North Campus, and I just like to get involved in many great activities that benefit my personal growth.
Student at Broward College for the past five years, first enrolled on Davie's Central Campus learning Physical Therapy for two years than, transferring to Coconut Creeks North campus for the last three years, now majoring in Early Childhood / Developmental Education. Spent first year with Her campus Broward as Outreach Director, former president of self-entitled campus friendship club, Sammy's Buddy Brigade, member of the Campus Science Club, and a Broward County local student Ambassador with Best Buddies International. Winner of the Sammy's award for most charity work within the community, and now Vice President of Her Campus Broward. I hope to soon be working at Junior Achievement with the elementary and middle school children, in order to have a well rounded experience! The hope is to one day work with and teach children who have special needs such as myself! Biggest belief and philosophy of life is that, no matter what anyone says you can't accomplish in life, I am living proof that anything is possible! Having ADHD, high functioning Autism, and medical conditions such as Scoliosis, helps me to understand special needs children on a level that very few people can! It is this very knowledge that led me to choose Teaching as my chosen profession. Now at age 42, and more than 55% on the way to getting an Associate of Arts degree in Early Childhood Education, I hope to become an Assistant Teacher within the next year or so. We hope that this true life story will inspire others to never give up either, no matter what anybody says, or tells you, that you can't do, the only one who can truly hold you back is "YOU".