My Creative Writing professor had us create a poem mainly describing ourselves in depth to make other’s get who we are. Yes, this was for an assignment, but I for one enjoyed buckling down and getting to look deep in myself!
The directions was to either type, or copy and paste our persona poem for our classmates to review. Also, the persona poem should be at least 12 lines in length. Here is the persona poem I wrote and hope you all enjoy it:
powerful, energetic, kind, compassionate
daughter of Lisa
who loves Thor, working out, and hanging out with friends
who is afraid of failure, letting people down, being alone
who wants to see Europe, world peace, and snow in the winter
resident of this beautiful city of Coral Springs
the backbone of my fellow co – workers
all three of being a student, employee, and royalty at college
one who changes everything from negative to positive
my unconditional love for my baby kitty sister Rosebud