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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

What is SAPE?

The Sexual Assault Peer Education (SAPE) program is a group of Brown students who believe that sexual violence is wrong and are committed to ending it.  SAPE uses a nationally recognized bystander intervention model, “Bringing in the Bystander” developed at the University of New Hampshire, to educate the Brown community.  Some SAPE members become peer educators and some members coordinate and promote presentations, observe educators and offer valuable feedback, and recruit new members.

Peer educators pair up and present interactive presentations that are designed to:

  • Promote dialogue about ways the larger campus community can adopt prosocial bystander behavior (i.e., ways that individuals who witness situations like assault and/or situations that lead to assault can intervene safely in ways that have a positive impact).
  • Increase understanding of sexual assault and its impact on victims
  • Dispel the myth that sexual assault “doesn’t happen at Brown.”
  • Discuss the current “rape culture” and the ways in which sexual violence is manifested.

Educators are expected to facilitate two to three workshops with a partner per semester. You and the SAPE coordinators will work together to determine locations and times for workshops. There are also regular debriefing sessions with a SAPE coordinator to discuss any aspects of the program or problems encountered.

Luisa Robledo and Haruka Aoki instantly bonded over the love for witty writing and haute couture. Haruka, a self-professed fashionista, has interned at Oak Magazine and various public relations companies where she has reached leadership positions. Luisa, a passionate journalist and editor of the Arts and Culture section of Brown University's newspaper, has interned and Vogue and has co-designed a shoe collection for the Colombian brand Kuyban. Together, they aim to create a website that deals with the real issues that college women face, a space that can serve as a forum of communication. With the help of an internationally-minded team section editors and writers who have different backgrounds, experiences, and mentalities, these two Brown girls will establish a solid presence on-campus.