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Girl smiling on couch
Girl smiling on couch
Original photo by Maddie Savage
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

Name: Maddie Savage 

Year: 2022

Hometown: Warren, CT

Concentration: International and Public Affairs


Favorite movie:

This is Where I Leave You


Favorite song:

Currently, either Popstar or Mr. Right Now


Favorite spot on campus:

Fourth floor of the Scili 

But during Rona times: our roof:)


Favorite restaurant in Providence:

Trattoria Zuma or Massimo 


Dream job:

I’d love to have my own company that consults for education nonprofits 


Where do you see yourself in 10 years?:

Working a job that I like, with the beginning of a happy family while living nearby to my close friends


One thing you want to cross off your bucket list:

Skydive with my friend Alexis on her birthday  


One thing you can’t live without:

My family 


Do you have a secret talent?:

I can do the worm


Currently crushing on someone?:

Justin Bieber in the Popstar music video… or Katharine


Celebrity crush:

Liam Hemsworth


What do you look for in a guy?:

I look for loyalty and selflessness 


What is your ideal date?:

Driving somewhere scenic to a picnic, bonus points if there’s a hike


After quarantine plans:

Not to take the little things for granted

Natasha is a sophomore at Brown University studying the History of Art and Architecture.
Katharine is the Co-Campus Correspondent of the Her Campus Brown chapter. She is a Junior concentrating in Public Policy.