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To: A Senior in High School Applying to College – From: A Current Brown University Student

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Brown chapter.

Dear Senior in High School,

Happy Fall! I hope your back-to-school season has been smooth and you’ve been enjoying the start of senior year: being the oldest in school, experiencing traditions, celebrating “last-firsts”, enjoying extra-curricular, and more. I also know there is a massive hurdle to overcome at this time – figuring out where you will attend college. For high-achievers like me, college applications were extremely stressful and anxiety-inducing. If I had the opportunity to rewind to my senior year, here are a few things I wish I knew, and I hope you find something helpful!

  1. Tour as many schools as you can. Touring is a great way to learn more about a school and demonstrate interest, but it’s just as important to figure out whether you actually see yourself attending the school. If you have the means and time, I suggest fitting in a few last tours in the fall. You never know which schools you like or dislike more after touring, and after all, it’s fun to pretend to be a college student for a day and even get some free merch!
  2. Don’t get caught up in other peoples’ applications. It’s easy to compare your stats to others and get caught up in where everyone is applying for Early Decision, but this just causes extra, unnecessary stress. Focus on yourself and your application! At the end of the day, you cannot control other’s applications and how the admission office decides who to admit. Everyone ends up in a school that’s right for them. 
  3. Similarly, don’t fixate on one school. This is easier said than done and it’s okay to have a dream school, but especially for those applying to top colleges, keep an open mind towards all your options. You shouldn’t apply to a school if you don’t see yourself attending and enjoying your experience there! I was deferred from Brown ED, and something as simple as listing out a few positives or aspects I’m excited about in attending other schools (especially those I already got into) would have made the waiting months in the spring a lot less stressful. 
  4. Reach out for help. I wish I had leaned more on external resources such as my college counselor and older friends already in college. Now that I’m in college, I’m always more than happy to talk about Brown or support a younger friend with navigating the entire application process. It’s a tough process, and talking to those who already went through the process was extremely helpful for me. 
  5. Enjoy high school! You’re only a senior in high school once, and after graduation, you’ll never go back to high school again. I know how easy it is to get caught up in applications, but hang in there – once it’s over in a few months, the whole process will feel so distant. Be present in the moment with your friends, teachers, and at school; everything works out in different ways for everyone.

Best of luck!

Blossom is a junior at Brown University from Hong Kong studying Behavioral Decision Sciences. Beyond Her Campus, she is a part of Kappa Delta Sorority and Hong Kong Students Association. She enjoys going to coffee shops, traveling to new countries, going on walks, and hanging out with friends and her dog.