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10 Things We’ll Never Understand About Bryant

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

1.      Why Our Halls Are Numbered:  It all seems to make sense (except Hall 14 being located in between 15 and 16) and makes our lives so much easier when trying to find someone’s room, but to campus visitors it just makes us look so basic.

2.      Why midnight breakfast is only once a semester:  Midnight breakfast is arguably the most exciting day of the semester at Salmo, making students line up for it over an hour in advance.  It’s the coolest place to be on that night during finals week, until we realize that at other schools they have late night dining hall hours every night….

3.      Why our mascot is pushed around in a stroller:  We all know about Tupper’s bad knees, but it’s hard to come across as intimidating at sports games when our mascot is being pampered.

4.      Where the pack of wild turkeys on campus come from:  Or for that matter…. Why are they still here?  As if trying to avoid the Bryant skunk while walking home at night was not already hard enough, now we have a pack of turkeys to fear during the daytime

5.      How Prez Ron is so much cooler than every other college president:   Whether he’s cancelling class for snow days with a sign at basketball games, participating in the free throw competition at Midnight Madness, or giving us candy when we trick-or-treat at his house on Halloween, he never ceases to amaze us with how cool a college president can truly be.  Let’s not forget that he signs his tweets “Big Dawg”.

6.      Why it is always so windy on campus:  Science teachers here have their theories explaining why it’s always so windy on campus, but it’s really ruining our efforts at a good hair day.

7.      Why the gym is always 100 degrees hotter than it should be:  If we were wondering where our tuition dollars are going, it’s probably to turn the gym into a large sauna.  On the upside, even if we go and don’t move a muscle we still feel productive because it’s impossible not to sweat there.

8.      Why all of our classrooms are in one building:  We’re not knocking it, but we’re not like many other schools

9.      Why standing around at the townhouses makes for such a fun weekend:  Every weekend, rain or shine, everyone at Bryant knows the routine.  Professors here even make fun of us for it, wondering how we can possibly have so much fun just standing outside (or inside a packed townhouse), but that’s just what we do.

10.   Why DPS loves us so much:  Without fail they’re always there to dump our cups, break up our parties, and check our cars when we’re coming onto campus.  Somehow they keep coming back for more and deal with us day in and day out, always with a good attitude. Â