Finals could possibly be the most stressful week for all college students. On top of homework assignments, club meetings, workout schedules, and practices/rehearsals, we have ten page papers on ridiculous topics such as “how a flower grows”, 100 multiple choice questions on information you have never been taught, and short answers based on information that you will learn in a different course next semester. Here are some easy tips to help you defeat the semi-annual “hardest week ever” as a college student…
Workouts are a must. The best time to work out is right when you wake up. This is hard to do especially after pulling all-nighters studying, but workouts release your frustration and reduce your stress. A quick brush of the teeth, a five minute walk to the gym, a quick 40 minute workout, and a five minute walk back. One hour total will make you feel fresh and relaxed for a full day of studying.
You must eat! Bring healthy snacks to your study room so that you aren’t stressed about when and what you are going to eat. Some easy snacks could consist of celery and peanut butter, grapes, granola and yogurt, or even a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Don’t forget to drink water with every meal!
Coffee and tea! Tea replenishes and hydrates your body, making you feel healthier. It also reduces stress and strengthens the immune system, keeping you focused and healthy during the important week. Tea has an equal amount of caffeine that coffee has. Coffee reduces your energy level, also making you able to focus and concentrate. It will also make you more alert and more awake.
Sleep is the last must on the list of things to do during finals week. We know that it’s hard to find time for sleep in your day, but it can be found by cutting back on all the wasted time on Buzzfeed, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.  It is necessary to stay on task with your studies during finals week. There are numerous apps that don’t allow the internet to be opened while using your computer to study. You set your own time limits and begin your studying.  Good luck!