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The Best Places to Study on Campus!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

It’s the week we’ve all been dreading… finals week. With so much studying to do in so little time, this can be the most stressful time of the semester. Where you study for your exams can be very important. The library, your room, a study lounge, a common room, and the Bryant Center are all great places to get your studying on! Here are some pictures of these places sent in by our readers. 

Studying Macroeconomics at my desk!

The library second floor is a great place to get some quiet time while concentrating on your school work!

Grabbing a side table on the second floor is just as difficult as gettig a study room in the library! But it’s a great spot for a friend and you to sit to get work done and even be able to talk in a whisper :)

The comfiest place to study on campus- my bed!

Me and Jenna posted up in the library getting our study on.

Makena is a senior at Bryant University, studying International Business, Marketing and Spanish. In addition to co-founding Her Campus at Bryant, Makena is a published author, a peer mentor for Academic Programs International, works as a research assistant on campus, and is over-involved in general (and loving it). When she isn’t running frantically between classes, work and meetings, Makena enjoys travel, good Tex-Mex and getting lost in a great book.