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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Chris Fernandez
Graduation Year: 2015
Major/Minor: IB
Hometown: Westborough, MA
On-Campus Activities: Student Ambassador, Bryant Fashion Forum
Interests: Watching TV and movies, shopping, and cleaning and organizing
The Details
Describe Yourself in 3 Words: Funny, honest, fabulous
Any Secret Talents? I can do the Woody The Woodpecker laugh
Dream Job: Hosting a late-night talk show on Bravo
Pet Peeves: People who chew with their mouths open, not texting back right away
Bucket List: Skydiving, visiting Italy, swimming with a dolphin, and meeting a “Real Housewife”
Favorite Thing About Bryant: The people and campus
Favorite Place in the World:  Target!
Favorite Food: Chicken Carbonara
#1 Most-Played Song on Your iPod: “Countdown” by Beyonce (309 listens lol)

Dream Girlfriend: Beyonce
Best Pickup Line: Are you a parking ticket? Because you’ve got FINE written all over you.
Perfect Date in 7 Words: Chemistry, laughter, food, excitement, fireworks, spontaneity, and romance

Makena is a senior at Bryant University, studying International Business, Marketing and Spanish. In addition to co-founding Her Campus at Bryant, Makena is a published author, a peer mentor for Academic Programs International, works as a research assistant on campus, and is over-involved in general (and loving it). When she isn’t running frantically between classes, work and meetings, Makena enjoys travel, good Tex-Mex and getting lost in a great book.