Name: Clayton Caron
Graduation Year: 2016
Major/Minor: Finance/Communications
Hometown: Bow NH
On Campus Activities: Hockey Team, Intramural referee, WJMF radioÂ
Dream Job: Actor
Celeb Crush: I would be crazy not to be head over heels in love with Blake Lively
Favorite 90’s Show: I wanted to be on Legends of the Hidden Temple so bad when I was a kid, Blue Barracudas or bust.
Describe yourself in 3 words: Outgoing, humorous and confident
Pet Peeves: I have a couple but the worst is easily loud chewingÂ
What actor would play you in a movie about your life? Ryan Gosling, first of all because of our similar appearances and he seems like a pretty cool guy
If you could bring 3 things to a desert island what would they be? Unlimited Rum and Coke, A side piece, and fishing gear
Best pickup line: “What Aquatic animal would you be and why?”
Dream Date in 7 words: Drive thru matching large Big Mac meals
Bucket List Items: Survive in the wilderness, Big Wave surfing, skiing the Rockies