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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.


From April 8th to April 13th, Sigma Chi organized their annual Derby Days’ philanthropy event. All proceeds collected throughout the week went directly to the Huntsman Cancer Institute. Will Tondo – Sigma Chi’s Derby Days Director – and his e-board committee set a $50,000 goal and fortunately, after the end of the week, the goal was surpassed and $51,082 was raised.


Derby Days is a weeklong competition and event where several teams compete against each other by raising funds and donations for HCI. This year’s theme was “Back to Derby”— pop-culture focused. Each day is set for a different challenge. The Sigma Chi brothers are the “captains” with a range of 8 to 15 girls on each team. Altogether, there were about 18 teams – 9 in the Gold League and 9 in the Blue League. This year, the leagues were randomly assigned, so the two leagues were equally competitive.


This year, Monday was Sign-a-Sig, Snap-a-Sig, “Why do you derby” videos and a chipotle fundraiser; Tuesday was a quidditch tournament; Wednesday was trivia, a pageant show, and double-points for online donations; Thursday was a campus-wide scavenger hunt; Friday was double-points for coin wars and online donations; Saturday was the closing ceremony!


During the closing ceremony, winners and final announcements were given. The final amount raised for all money raised was announced. Awards were given out and then the announcements for the winning teams. For the Gold League, Bikini Bottom Babes won, and for the Blue League, Down and Derby won. However, there could only be one overall winning team and it was Bikini Bottom Babes!


Congratulations to all who competed and Bryant’s chapter of Sigma Chi for surpassing their $50K goal!

I am a senior, Communication major and Marketing and Prof. & Creative Writing double-minor from Readfield, Maine.
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Kim Flynn

Bryant '19

Fan of puppies and Starbucks. Avid koozie collector. You can usually find me with my shoe untied.