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Formal Recruitment Spring 2022: Meet Recruitment Director Alex Iacoviello

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

With the ending of the fall semester, Formal Recruitment is right around the corner! We interviewed Panhel Recruitment Director, Alex Iacoviello, to get to know a little more about her and the position as well as recruitment in general. Here is the interview:

HC: Tell us about yourself!

AI: “My name is Alex; I am a senior from Lynnfield, MA. I am an international business major with a double concentration in entrepreneurship and Spanish with a minor in finance. Along with being Panhel Recruitment Director, I am the president of Bryant Ventures, a club for small business owners. I am also on the executive board for my sorority, but shhh I’m a Rho Gamma! I am also in the Honors Program and I’m an IDEA mentor.”

HC: What is Recruitment Director and what is it like?

AI: “As Panhel Recruitment Director, I plan and run Formal Recruitment. I organize potential new members (PNMs) into their groups and help them through the process of finding their home. My involvement in this process requires me to give up my letters and be a Rho Gamma. I also work to put on fun events to promote Formal Recruitment: info sessions, the scavenger hunt, and other Roto takeovers! I work closely with all the chapter recruitment directors, and I oversee all the Rho Gammas. I also run the Panhel social media accounts.”

HC: What is Formal Recruitment?

AI: “Formal Recruitment is the process that seeks to match PNMs with the sorority that best reflects their values. This is where PNMs get to know the chapters, their philanthropies, their values, and their sisters to help determine where they best fit.”

HC: When is Formal Recruitment?

AI: “Formal Recruitment runs after the IDEA program from January 27 through January 30, 2022. It beings on Thursday, January 27, at 9:15pm with an orientation, where PNMs are told all the information they need for the weekend. We do a fashion show of what to wear throughout the weekend! From that Friday through Sunday, the actual process occurs of visiting the chapters and talking to sisters. By Sunday night, PNMs will receive their bids and run home!”

HC: Do you have any advice for anyone going through Formal Recruitment?

AI: “For those going through, my best advice is to keep an open mind and be yourself. It is easy to get caught up in the ‘rumors’ said by other people, or to follow what your friends do. However, being true to yourself will help you find where you best fit. You want to join a chapter where you can be unapologetically yourself. It is alright if you and your friends join different chapters; being a part of the Panhellenic community will keep you all close. If you are in any way considering going through the process, just do it! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!”

Sign up for Formal Recruitment here: https://enroll.icsrecruiter.com/pan/brytun#!/enroll/enrollment-disclaimer.

Follow @bryantpanhel on Instagram and if you have any questions at all about formal recruitment, text Alex at (781) 913-9356!

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