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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

Halloween in college is totally different from the Halloween we all grew up with. Here are some guidelines on the important do’s and don’ts when it comes to Halloween at Bryant!


  • Don’t: wear high heels


Do: wear comfy shoes


  • Don’t wear white


Do: wear literally any other color but white


  • Don’t: have a wardrobe malfunction



Do: check yo self

Make sure your costume doesn’t fall apart!


  • Don’t: walk of shame


Do: be mindful of your actions

Remember: it might seem like a good idea to go home with that cute guy, but will not be that great when you have to go back to your room in your costume the next morning!



If you don’t want to get arrested or get punched in the face, we suggest skipping the clown costume this year.

Happy Halloween!