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HC Bryant Halloween Costume Contest

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryant chapter.

This week we are holding the scariest, cutest, and of course most creative halloween costume contest.  We aren’t sure what type of entry will win because we want it to be open to you and your entry!  So as you get dressed up this weekend in your scariest, cutest, most-girly, funniest, or even most creative costume, upload a picture to Instagram!


Here are some tips to win (spoiler alert!):

1. Be sure your Instagram is set to public so we can see you!

2. Tag @HerCampusBryant in your caption

3. Include #BryantCostumes in your caption

4. Get as scary, funny, cute, or creative as possible

5. Be the opposite of yourself and have fun with is :)

6. Wait for a shoutout within the next week to see if we LOVED your costume…all of your costumes will be featured on our site! 

Jessica is a senior at Bryant University where she is majoring in management and double minoring in marketing and communication.  She holds the position as Editor-In-Chief of Her Campus Bryant and was actually one of the first founding members!  Beyond Her Campus Bryant, she is the Vice President of the Bryant Marketing Association and a MyPath Mentor.  She loves working at the Amica Center for Career Education where she manages their marketing and social media efforts but also enjoys her time at the Hassenfeld Institute for Public Leadership and the school's bookstore. When at home in Connecticut, she loves to watch movies with her family, play with her dog, have bonfires with friends, sleepovers with her sister, and scrapbook! Jessica aspires to one day manage her own department of a fortune 500 company, or even run her own company with a little bit of writing on the side!  Upon graduating this coming May, she will jump-start her career at EMC as a Marketing Development Associate in the Marketing Development Program.
Hillary Coombs is a junior at Bryant University studying International Business and Marketing minoring in Chinese and Spanish. She works during the summers at Westminster Tool blogging and updating all social media accounts as well as interning in the International Affairs office. During the fall of 2012, Hillary studied abroad in Salamanca, Spain where she held a marketing internship and perfected her Spanish language. At Bryant, she works in the Office of Planning and Institutional Research gathering crucial university data and presenting it through documents to the President, Deans, and other faculty members of Bryant University. Aside from working and studying Hillary is a member of the Sigma Sigma Sigma Sorority and Omicorn Delta Kappa. Hillary finds peace of mind staying active and running in local 5K races.