Graduation Year:Â 2015
Major/Minor: Marketing & Communication/ Business Administration
Hometown: Suffield, CT
On-Campus Activities: Parentes Restaurant- since 1983
Describe Yourself in 3 Words: Happy, weird, fun
Dream Job: Scuba instructor in the Great Barrier Reed
Pet Peeves? Sock pictures on Instagram
Bucket List: Travel to every continent
Favorite things about Bryant? The people! Especially the class of 2015
Top played song? My Band- D12
Celebrity Crushes: Leonardo DiCaprio… and Mila Kunis
Guilty Pleasure: Chris Brown music videos
Best Pickup Line You’ve Ever Heard: There must be something wrong with your phone… my number isn’t in it.
If you were an animal, what would you be? Dolphin
If a bartender named a drink after you, what would it be called and why? The MollSoHard
What would be the title of your autobiography? The Chronicles of a NARP
What would people hear if they could read your mind? Endless food cravings