The queen of England, as we all know, is an elegant bad b*tch that everyone (you’re lying if you say no) aspires to be. However, just because she is the literal queen doesn’t mean there aren’t any other queens in our society that we don’t all aspire to be.
The official unofficial queens of the 21st century:
Queen Bey
Queen Adele
Queen JLo
Queen Tay
Queen Riri
Queen Miley
Queen Gaga
Queen Britney
Queen Nicki
Queen Kendall
Queen Selena
Queen Zendaya
And we can’t forget the ACTUAL Royal Family:
Princess Diana
Queen Elizabeth
Princess Kate
Princess Charlotte
So collegiettes, never forget to wear your imaginary crowns. Queen Nicki said it best: “He can be the king, but watch the queen conquer.”