P.INK provides tattoo inspirations, ideas, and artist info to breast cancer survivors. Â It stands for “Personal Ink” and was started by a survivor named Molly who was left with scars after a double mastectomy. Â She decided to redisgn her breasts completely and leave them looking absolutely beautiful. Â WIth her strong connection and love for Brazil, she chose to tattoo a Brazilian flower symbolizing rarity and resilience on both breasts. Â After founding this organization and redesigning her breasts, let’s just say she is a bit excited to walk the beaches of Brazil topless.
P.INK has come to the realization that cancer sucks and even if you do survive, it takes over your body and leaves many unforgettable marks-physically, mentally, and emotionally. Â We all agree. Â P.INK believes that covering these scars with a different kind of mark (a tattoo) will turn pain into beauty. Â What is possibly more beautiful than that? Â Here at Her Campus Bryant, we fundraise as much as we can each year to various organizations which are finding cures for diseases that rip our loved ones out of our lives. Â But, we have never come across something like this which is truly a healing gift to the survivors of a disease which takes millions of mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, even men, and friends from our lives each year. After you watch the video below, please join us in spreading the word by liking P.INK on Facebook and following them on Pinterest.
If you are interested in donating to help fund tattoos click here or check out some pictures here of P.INK Day earlier this year where 10 artists were connected with 10 survivors.
Below is a video found on UpWorthy News which explains this story-viewer discretion is advised because there is nudity but we hope you find this story touching and pass it along.