Hold: a four letter word that is detrimental to a college student on registration night. Panic, fear and anger are the initial reactions, followed by a frantic phone call to mom and dad. During the recent registration for spring 2014, this exact scenario unfolded for many Bryant University students.
Countless students preparing for registration found that they had a “hold” on their account. Students were told that this hold, which prevented them from registering for classes, had been put in place due to unpaid dues of some kind. After calling home and discussing the issue with parents, many students found that everything had in fact been paid for- meaning that this mysterious hold was totally uncalled for. But by the time you realize this, it’s late at night, the Bursar’s office is closed, and registration is mere hours away. The whole situation is a nightmare.
After missing registration, many students went on to discover that their hold, which had forced them to miss out on their first choice of classes, was caused by nothing more than a time management issue in the Bursar office. Apparently, unprocessed receipts had caused a fictional hold to be placed on many accounts.
So, after calling mom and dad and most likely crying yourself to sleep, what do you do about classes? Once you go to the Bursar’s office and demand that the hold on your account be cleared, try to get into the most important classes right away. If you can’t, try getting yourself on to a waitlist. Plenty of students are still on waitlists, hoping that they’ll make it into the class of their choosing. The last day for waitlist notifications will be Friday, January 17 at noon. If the hold seriously messed up your schedule, try talking to your Academic Advisor about your options. If you need to make adjustments to your schedule or finish registering, you have until Tuesday, January 21 to add classes. If you’re still having issues, make sure you contact the Bursar’s office at (401)232-6030. Best of luck!