On Tuesday, February 20th (10:00-2:30) and Wednesday, February 21st (10:00-5:00), Bryant University is hosting a blood drive in Janikies Auditorium. Bryant hosts blood drives a few times a year to help save many lives!
1. You can save up to three lives every time you donate
You never know when accidents will happen and the need for blood is constant. Become a hero to many by donating.
2. It only requires a little bit of preparation
It is recommended to get a full night of sleep before donating, eat a big breakfast, and drink a lot of fluids for a healthy and successful donation.
3. It does not require a lot of time
We all have busy lives so the blood donation process is very streamlined so you can get back to your day.
4. You get to eat snacks
At Bryant, pizza will be served. Elsewhere, there are always snacks and beverages served to refuel your body. Who doesn’t love free snacks?!
5. It doesn’t hurt
There is a common misconception that giving blood will hurt or make you feel uncomfortable. You will have to get a finger prick and then feel a small pinch at the beginning of the donation. The small pain is worth it for the lives you will be saving. Bring some headphones to help distract yourself.
It takes 56 days for the new blood to regenerate for it to be healthy to donate again. If you donate every 56 days, that’s 6 donations per year, meaning you will save up to 18 lives a year!
What are you waiting for?! Go to the blood drive! Visit The Rhode Island Blood Center website ribc.org or the American Red Cross website redcrossblood.org to ensure you are eligible. Don’t forget to bring a photo ID on the day of donation.
All information was gathered from ribc.org as a reference tool.