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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

Brainstorming Halloween costumes is my favorite part of the Halloween season, but busy college students don’t have the time, money or energy to DIY or buy Halloween costumes. So, here are some costume ideas that only require your everyday clothes and some makeup!

The Classic Black Cat

Sure, it’s basic, but dressing up as a cat is also classic and super easy. All you need is black clothes and some eyeliner. As far as makeup looks go, you can do anything from basic whiskers and a cat eye to full glam cat makeup.


All you need is a white top and a brown skirt, or a plain brown dress to be a deer this halloween.

Pop Art Makeup

This has been super trendy recently! Since the look is all about the makeup, you could really wear whatever you want for this costume idea.


Wear all black (or any kind of skeleton clothing if you have it) to accompany this look. You can also do half skeleton, half normal makeup if you are too lazy (like me).


For this look, wear any sort of cheetah or leopard print clothing you have. As a bonus, you can put your hair into two mini buns on top of your head to act as ears.

Spiderweb Makeup

When you have five minutes before you’re running out the door to a party have have no idea what to do, this is the look for you. Wear all black (sensing a theme here?) and do some simple makeup with just black eyeliner.

Hope you found some inspiration for this Halloween season!

Math major at Bryn Mawr College. Lover of coffee and cardamom buns
Audrey Lin

Bryn Mawr

Computer Science and Linguistics double major at Bryn Mawr College. Lover of bubble tea and anything matcha.