1. Wake up on time
You don’t want to be like me last year when I snoozed my alarm too much and missed the May Day Poles! A lot of activities happen in the morning, and if you’re not a morning person like me, you’ll have to charge your human batteries well the night before.
2. Wear sunscreen
May Day requires being outside for long periods of time, especially if you want to chill on Merion Green to wait for the guest performer. This is why I suggest, no, I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE, sunscreen for May Day because those U.V. rays will burn your skin, and you don’t want to have irritated, itchy, peeling skin while doing your finals (trust me). Remember, just because you can’t physically see the sun hitting your skin, doesn’t mean you aren’t exposed to the sun rays!
3. Look at scheduling carefully
After getting the May Day 2018 schedule in your mailbox, make sure to look at the times of each event carefully. There will be many events going on at once: booths, a cappella performances, face painting, etc. Also, if you work on campus, make sure to double check your work schedule for May 6th to know what events you’ll be able to attend. If you really want to be present for something, plan accordingly and ask someone to cover your shift if you can. I had a friend miss the Khalid concert last year because she had to work!
4. Check the weather
Always be on the lookout for the weather on May Day! This year it’s on May 6th! I’d recommend keeping track of the weather at least a week ahead to be prepared.
5. Choose your outfit thoughtfully
There have been years when it’s rained on May Day, and if you weren’t prepared, you might have found yourself freezing outside and/or getting your clothes wet. Therefore, have an extra outfit planned just in case of weather changes, or have a jacket handy. It all comes down to how Mother Nature will treat us on May 6th. Also, be cautious of your clothing because; for example, if you want to sit on Merion Green while wearing a dress, it gets frustrating to have to keep checking if your undies are exposed to the world (especially since a lot of faculty bring their children out for May Day). You could wear shorts under your dress, or wear a cute two piece!
6. Take lots of pictures
May Day is one of Bryn Mawr’s most popular traditions and taking pictures will allow you to look back at those fun moments! Post on Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat to share your memories with friends and family. Not every college campus gets to host their own version of Coachella!
7. Bring a portable charger for your phone
Along with taking pictures, be sure you’re prepared when your phone battery starts draining! Plus, May Day activities are all outside, which means your phone brightness might be adjusted higher, which would eat up more energy.