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Meet Lily Chalkley, HC Bryn Mawr Writer!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

Her Campus Bryn Mawr is so happy to welcome new members to our team this year! Over the next few weeks, our writers will be introducing their teammates. Let’s learn more about Lily from Jianan!


Name: Lily Chalkley

Pronouns: she/her

Major: Undecided, tending towards English, not STEM

Class Year: 2023


What’s something people should know about you? 

I am a huge music lover and I am always willing to hear new music.


Why did you choose Bryn Mawr? 

Bryn Mawr was the second school that I visited. I loved the vibe here. When I visited Bryn Mawr, I got a feeling that I belonged here.


What’s your favorite memory from your time at Bryn Mawr / What are you liking so far?

In the evenings, my friends and I would go out to chill or do homework on campus, and that is really cool.


What’s your favorite way to relax? / What’s your favorite method of self-care? 

I enjoy listening to ASMR, singing, and of course, music.


What’s your favorite TV show/movie? 

My favorite show is Brooklyn 99. Pride and Prejudice (1995) is my favorite movie.


What’s your favorite food?



Anything else you’d like the Bryn Mawr community to know about you? 

I seem quiet but I am actually nice and talkative when people get to know me more!


Thank you for your time, Lily!


Please keep up with Lily Chalkley on Her Campus!

Jianan Gu

Bryn Mawr '23

Hi! This is Joanna and I love cilantro :D
Maria Bohan

Bryn Mawr '21

I'm a Bryn Mawr College junior who still gets excited about the little things in life. English major/Education minor.