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Meet Tihitina Bekele, Her Campus Bryn Mawr Writer!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

Her Campus Bryn Mawr is super excited to welcome some more talented Mawrters to our team this semester! Over the next few weeks, we’ll be profiling our newest members. We hope you enjoy!

First up is Tihitina “Titi” Bekele, who will be writing for Her Campus this semester.

Name: Tihitina Bekele

Class Year: 2021

Major: Psychology

Minor: Education

Other Organizations I’m Involved with on Campus: Co-event Coordinator of Association of International Students and a small group leader of InterVarsity Club

Favorite Food: Good question! My favorite food has to be General Tso Chicken with beef and white rice.

Why I applied to Bryn Mawr, and why I chose to stay: My sister forced me to apply tbh. But I am so glad I got accepted and came here! I choose to stay because I have no other choice hehe :D

Tihitina Bekele

Bryn Mawr '21

Hello!! This is Titi who is mostly cracking up and trying adventurous stuffs. Also a proud Ethiopian.
Maria Bohan

Bryn Mawr '21

I'm a Bryn Mawr College junior who still gets excited about the little things in life. English major/Education minor.