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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bryn Mawr chapter.

When I first came across the Her Campus website last year, I knew I wanted to be part of this amazing community. 

My first move was to apply to become a model in College Fashion Week! It was a really simple process; I filled out a short form and posted a photo on Instagram with a caption detailing why I wanted to be a part of College Fashion Week. 

Here’s what I said:

“When I was five the only reason I’d go shopping with my mom was to attempt walking in heels and later to fall flat on my face. I’d grab any piece of clothing, whether it matched the rest of my outfit or not and put on fashion shows in my living room because that was what made me feel my best. As I got older, I started following Instagram models, YouTubers, influencers, and other people that are popular in the fashion industry; however, my only concern was that there weren’t many hijabi influencers I could look up to. I started getting lots of compliments when I started applying the trends I liked to my own style and making it my own. People would ask where I got my clothes from and the younger girls in my community saw me as an inspiration. I not only became their fashion icon but also the person who showed them that it’s possible to pursue your dreams without having to sacrifice your identities. Only by setting boundaries are you not able to achieve your dreams. Even if there is only one person out there who does what you desire, that person can be your role model.  To me #therealrunway is just another step towards making our dreams come true by embracing our differences and identities. Every single one of those models that will walk in #therealrunway are, and will be, an inspiration for someone else. Walking this runway, with these beautiful and strong women, is also an opportunity for me to explore the field I’ve admired for so long. #CollegeFashionWeek #therealrunway@hercampus @hercampusstyle

On the first day of classes, I got an email from Her Campus team telling me that I was selected to model in this year’s New York College Fashion Week! 

Before I left, I booked an Airbnb with my friends and bought bus tickets. I committed a lot of my time and energy because CFW was during my midterms week. I had to email my professors about it and take my midterm exams before my friends. The day before the show I went to New York for the fitting. It was a really quick process; I tried on the clothes they chose for me (duh! It is called “fitting”). I was lucky that the clothes they chose for me were exactly my style. In fact, I already had a pair of the jeans I wore in the show hanging in my closet!

The next morning, on the day of the show, all of the models and the HerCampus team had an amazing brunch on Sunday in Brooklyn. The closed garden was decorated with pink, gold, and white balloons, there were Polaroid cameras all around the room for us to capture the memorable experience, and last but not least (drum roll!) there were goody bags for all of the models filled with skincare products. Oh, and I also have to mention this: it was amazing seeing the people who run the Her Campus Instagram pages in real life (no fangirling).

After spending three hours at brunch and getting to know each other, we all head to the Bklyn Studios. Makeup artists and hairstylists from the Glam Team (shout out to Lucas who was the head of the team) did an amazing job capturing the “you but better” look. 

(Me and my amazingly supportive friends, love you guys if you’re reading this)


The runway started at 7 pm, and there were three shows: Branded Monosport, 90s Grunge, and Neutrals. I was the first model to walk for the grunge look. My heart was going crazy, but I didn’t show my nervousness that much (here is a picture so you can decide whether or not I look nervous).

In one word I will describe this experience as an “eye-opening” opportunity for me. Meeting college students from all around the U.S. and learning about their experiences with college and different majors made me realize the endless opportunities awaiting us, especially for me as a science-focused student. I never thought about pursuing other careers, but all the people I met at this event inspired me to get a taste of everything I might be interested in doing in the future. 

The whole point of this RealRunway was to show people that, no matter our race, background, religion, age, weight and height we can all be confident and beautiful as who we are. We don’t have to fit into that “perfect model” category that the media has placed in our minds. As cliché as it may sound, our differences are what make us beautiful.

To sum it up, it was (for sure) an unforgettable experience and I’m looking forward to next year’s College Fashion Week! And you guys should too!