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10 Reasons to Love April in Boston

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Spring is finally here!  And while the end of March didn’t feel so springy, April has no excuse! Its time for the birds to start chirping, the sun to start shining and time for everyone’s winter blues to melt away with the last of the snow piles. But after this winter, you’re probably still a little skeptical about trusting April and the niceness it’s supposed to bring. So, here are 10 reminders about how great April can be and what we all have to look forward to for a real spring here in Boston:


1.    No More Snow

Need I say more? The skies will finally stop dropping the white stuff and the sun will finally finish melting those gross brown piles on the sides of Comm. Ave. With the snow gone there is no longer a constant reminder of winter and we can all put the cringe-worthy memories of the past four months behind us!


2.    De-Bulking Your Wardrobe

Gone will be the days of the 10 layers for a three-minute walk! We all felt the struggle of being so bundled that you were sweating by the time you got to CAS and had to peel off all your clothes, only to put them all back on again to venture back out after class. Finally, we can break out the cute T-shirts and only need a cute vest on top!


3.    Re-Coloring Your Wardrobe

Say goodbye to the boring bland colors of winter and bring back some yellows, pinks and blues. Break out the colored capris and the Sperry’s that have been in hiding since the fall. And maybe if we’re lucky, the flip-flops may even see the light of day this month! With that in mind though, maybe it’s time for a spring pedicure? No complaints there!


4.    The BU Beach Will Start Calling Our Names

We all love those warm spring days where the BU Beach is packed with sun bathers, Frisbee and beach towels. There really is nothing better than taking in some Vitamin D after a long day of classes and an even longer winter of sunless days.


5.    Down to the Home Stretch

The last day of classes for the spring semester is May 1st! April is that final month right before summer break where everything is coming to a close. You’ll probably be stressed trying to finish up final papers, projects and exams, but the pain is relieved just a little when you can study outside or take a study break walk along the Charles. And make sure not to forget about the long weekend with Marathon Monday April 21st!


6.    Everything’s Starting to Bloom

The grass will get greener, the trees will get leaves and the flowers will get bigger and brighter. In general, campus will look like a happier and prettier place, definitely putting you in a happier and prettier mood! Everyone hates the gray and bland look of everything in the wintertime so finally we can enjoy some color. 


7.    Longer Days

At this point, everyone’s probably starting enjoying the longer days that come along with day light savings in the spring. The sun is up just that little bit longer and the days don’t seem as short and dreary. Plus, longer days bring back memories of those long summer days and nights that are just a few short weeks away.


8.    Iced Coffees

Time to say goodbye to hot coffees and hot chocolates to keep you warm. Now is the time for Jamba Juice smoothies and Starbucks iced coffees. Nothing says spring like studying with a nice iced latte on the BU Beach.


9.    Opening your Windows

This is an underrated luxury that I miss so much in the wintertime! Nothing feels better than opening the windows of your dorm or apartment and letting in some of that fresh April air. The birds are chirping, the sun is out and your room will finally feel less stuffy and more comfortable.


10.   April Showers That Bring May Flowers

While this one is a debatable “good” part of April, there’s no denying the frequent rain showers that will come and go all month long. But, there’s something different about spring rain than fall or winter rain, probably because the temperature is warmer and you can be certain it won’t change to snow when you least expect it! The rain will come and go but just remember it’s making the grass greener and the flowers prettier. Plus, its always nice to break out the cute rain boot, raincoat and umbrella combo once and a while. 

Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.