Every Halloween, the struggle begins to find the perfect costume that encapsulates how confident you feel stepping into that particular party, whether you’re crawling in Allston or hiking to Harvard. However, there’s always the necessity to stand out—to be different. This year, I decided to offer an alternative to the typical sexy Halloween costume scene. These 13 costumes may be unique, but trust me, absolutely no one will be able to look away.
13. Sexy Crayon
To begin this list, I want to start with a fairly safe school supply. For people who are looking to broaden their ideas, being a crayon is a pretty safe way to go. However, don’t pull a rookie mistake and go as a Rose Art crayon. Obviously, you can only go as Crayola this Halloween.
12. Sexy Deodorant Stick
This costume not only reminds you to keep clean, but also will ensure that you stay dry at every party you go to! Furthermore, this costume is topical because too many people do not use this product at college, and you will be the beacon that reminds them to start. If you’re looking for what to model your costume after, here’s one idea.
11. Sexy Puritan
Dive into the history of Massachusetts by dressing as a woman from a time when women were murdered for no reason! Embrace the culture of this time by finding some classy, constricting bonnets & tightly buckled shoes to fully capture just how limiting society was. Dress up as this to pay a true testament to Massachusetts culture!
10. Sexy Failed Math Midterm
Still worried about that calculus test? Still upset because statistics is too freaking confusing? Just make light of the situation and go as your failed math midterm. Nothing is sexier than crying in a dress decorated with logarithms and labeled 56%.
9. Sexy Benedict Cumberbatch
Alright, I admit this one is a challenge. However, nothing is impossible with hard work and perseverance. In order to nail the sexy and lure in eligible singles, make sure you put on a haughty British accident, contour the shit out of your face, and constantly act as if every party you’re at is a “clue”.
8. Sexy President
This one is easy, and it’s especially relevant due to this year’s upcoming election. Now, you may want to go for your typical sexy presidential duo, aka Barack Obama and Joe Biden. However, I really believe if you want to make your mark, find a unique president to make your own. Millard Fillmore is definitely the recommendation. Those high collars combined with those enticing vests will be a great inauguration to any party you enter.
7. Sexy Hillary Clinton’s Emails
Want to constantly cause conversation no matter what party you go into? Want to attract hundreds of guys claiming Hillary Clinton should go to prison? Don’t worry, a printed dress copied with Hillary Clinton’s notorious deleted emails will surely allure all the right people to you this Halloween. This daring outfit will only pay off, especially as you start attracting passionate Trump supporters.
6. Sexy Meninist
Get ready to find your soulmate this Halloween costume. In order to prepare to dress as a Sexy Meninist, make sure that you are completely ignorant of what feminism is, believe that men experience the same discrimination as women, and also that you perpetuate rape culture—then you’re set to have a great Halloween as a meninist!
5. Sexy Drunk Red Sox Fan
Provide another glimpse into the thriving culture of Boston by dressing up as a sexy, drunk Red Sox Fan! Act completely belligerent, rant about the Yankees, and never fail to remind people about who your favorite team is. This costume will surely attract many new people into your life this Halloween.
4. Sexy Hairball
Who says giant hairballs on shower walls can’t be absolutely ravishing? In fact, if you want to completely OWN Halloween this year, collect every piece of hair that people leave behind in the dorm showers until you make a costume out of it! The drain smell coupled with the clumpy texture will make you the most talked-about person in Boston this Halloween.
3. Sexy T Stop
Are you always waiting for something that seems to never come? This Halloween, be the quintessential Bostonian and dress as a Sexy T Stop. If you really want to nail this hot look, be the delayed Green Line coming to Boston University East. Just like this stop, it’s unlikely, but maybe by the end of the night, you’ll find something that’ll finally come.
2. Sexy Warren Towers
This one is perfect to do with your friends. Feel free to dress up as either A, B, or C tower and incorporate the beautiful color scheme of gray, brown, and the stunning off-white of the cinderblock walls. To fully capture the essence of Warren Towers, be sure to layer so you’re boiling hot even when it’s cold and constantly run out of breath when walking up the stairs due to the broken elevators.
1. Sexy CITGO sign
This last one is reserved for the most dedicated Boston student. The bright light that guides any BU student home is the costume conversation-starter for any Halloween party this year. Plus, the costume fits any budget, and you know that you’ll get some great attention out of it.
This Halloween, you’ll be sure to attract the best match with one of these costumes. Unconventionality is sure to reign in Boston with these fabulous ideas. Be daring this Halloween!