No matter your religion, there is no denying that there is something wonderful about the holiday season! Shops put up lights, there’s an abundance of food and if you live in the north, there’s snow. But the holidays do bring up some annoyances, especially if you don’t celebrate Christmas. Here are 16 struggles Jewish girls face during the most wonderful time of the year.
1. Not being totally sure where Hanukkah is going to fall on the Western calendar
Yeah you know it always falls on the 25th of Kislev, but that could be any time.
2. Trying to not explode from all the Latkes your family makes and then forces on you
“Oh no I couldn’t possibly have one mo… yeah okay give me three”
3. The severe lack of ugly Hanukkah sweaters
You just want to be as tacky as all of your Christian friends.
4. As a kid, always having to hold your tongue when your friends believed Santa was real
Being five and wanting to spread the hot gossip that Santa was really a parent was the worst.
5. “Merry Christmas” Being the standard holiday greeting
Sometimes it’s not worth the correction, especially if it’s to a retail worker.
6. Trying not to light yourself on fire while lighting the Menorah
The eighth night is pure terror basically.
7. There are enough spellings of Hanukkah to use a different one every night
There must be more than Driedel Driedel Driedel… right?
9. When people think that Hanukkah is the most important Jewish Holiday
It’s actually pretty minor in comparison to others. It only got big because of how commercialized it is.
10. When people ask if you have a Christmas tree even though you’re Jewish
11. Listening to people complain about the “War on Christmas”
You still get all of your holidays off work. Okay, calm down.
12. There are so many Christmas movies and so few Hanukkah movies
Just a few would be nice…
13. If your family does presents, finding eight different things for each family member
*cries internally forever *
14. If Hanukkah falls too early you have to spend it all at school
* cries externally forever *
15. Having to explain the story of Hanukkah as a kid every single year
Nope, sorry, should have listened in third grade, or second grade.
16. When you get together with your family and your mom, grandmother, aunts, and the entire family ask when you’re gonna meet a nice Jewish boy
Despite all of these struggles, there is no denying that this time is awfully pretty, and some things are more important than sassing a friend about asking you for the millionth time if you’re celebrating “Jew Christmas” this year.