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3 Quotes That Altered My Brain Chemistry

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

I’ve never really considered myself a quotes person. Like most people, I enjoyed the occasional quote on Instagram but did not think about them for much longer than a double tap. But at some point last year, I started a note in my phone (cleverly titled “quotes”) and started writing some of these things down. Surprisingly, I’ve stuck with it. A lot of them come from online/social media, others from podcasts, and a few from real life. Not only does this allow me to remember these things in my day-to-day life, but it’s also fun to scroll through every once in a while. These quotes, in particular, have been on my mind recently.

“Make it happen, girl. shock everyone.”

I’ve thought about this quote a lot recently as I reapplied and transferred back to BU. I knew that this would be met with doubts and confusion from other people in my life, but I felt entirely certain that this was the right decision. This quote reminded me that the only person who knew what I was capable of and what was best for me was me. It reminds me to put my head down and work without fear of judgment and can be applied in day-to-day settings as well.

“If their grass is always greener…water your own grass.”

I heard this on a podcast just a few weeks ago and have replayed the line in my head every day since. I am leaning into the idea that life is what we make of it. I am also totally over jealousy and nonsensical complaining. I notice it in others and have been trying to hold myself accountable as well. What I prioritize, who I spend time with, where I am… I am lucky to be in a position where these are all things I can control. So, instead of being jealous of someone else, why not use it as inspiration?

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The CW
“There is a seat waiting for you at tables you haven’t even seen yet.”

I am young! There is so much time and so much life to live. Who am I to know where I will be five or 10 years from now? When I find myself unnecessarily stressed over specific and far away plans, I think of this quote and remember that things often have a way of working out. All I can do is focus on what I can do now, stay curious, and embrace every opportunity that comes my way.

I hope these leave you feeling motivated and inspired!

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Karenna is a sophomore at Boston University studying Public Relations and Psychology. She is a member of the editorial team at Her Campus. Outside of Her Campus, Karenna loves running and the gym, cooking, the beach, romantic comedies, and exploring restaurants, coffee and cafes throughout Boston.