The Primper
While almost every girl likes to glance at herself in the mirror at least once during a bathroom trip, these girls like to turn that glance into a full-on staring contest with their own reflections. Occasionally there to fix eyeliner, straighten a collar, or smooth renegade flyaways, more often than not the Primper is simply eyeing herself over…and over and over again. Oblivious to your desire to simply wash your hands and get back to class, the Primper would gladly spend an hour in front of the mirror in the bathroom adjusting something that probably looked fine to begin with.
The Stall Hog
You know this girl – or at least her feet, anyway. There’s a line out the door, yet the Stall Hog stays put during your whole bathroom trip and for who knows how long afterward. What is she doing in there? Composing a symphony? Writing the next bestseller? Those are the only logical explanations for how long she stays camped in that bathroom stall. Then again, maybe it’s best for everyone to let this one remain a mystery.
The Chatterbox
Never alone, the Chatterbox is physically unable to stop conversing with her friends, come rain or shine or the call of nature. She enters the stall and closes the door, shouted conversation with her friend in the stall next to hers reverberating off the tile and making everyone a little uncomfortable. Multitasking is all well and good, but there’s a time for talk and a time for…other things. Save the gossip until after you’ve risen from the porcelain throne!
The Busy Bee
Flitting in and out of class, work, and clubs, the Busy Bee barely has a moment to herself – and that includes time for the restroom. A line for the bathroom? The Busy Bee doesn’t have time for that! She was supposed to be in a meeting like, 10 minutes ago! In dire emergency situations, the Busy Bee has been known to wait, but she won’t be pleased about it and she’ll let everyone know it. Tapping her foot, sighing repeatedly, and glancing at her phone or her watch, she agonizes over every single moment spent waiting in that bathroom line. The Busy Bee has places to go and people to see, and neither can be found in the girl’s bathroom.
The Non Hand Washers
We all like to believe they aren’t out there, but the Non Hand Washers walk among us undetected, poised to launch their germy mitts into a handshake or hug with an unsuspecting victim at any moment. Just try to be as sneaky and nonchalant as you possibly can, Non Hand Washers. We all see you slipping out the door without ever nearing the sink, and we are shaking our collective heads in mass disapproval.