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5 Skincare Secrets For Acne-Prone Skin to Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

I know what you’re thinking – how is this article going to help cure my acne? Well, as much as I wish I had a cure-all for the bane of my and many other people’s existences, I hate to break it to you that I don’t. However, I do have a few habits that I have incorporated into my routine that have worked for me over time! I hope they can help transform your everyday skincare and soothe any inflamed, oily, and aggravated skin, because I know they did for me!

Wash your face twice a day

I know you’ve probably heard this one a gazillion times, but that’s because it’s true.  Regardless of your skin type, you should deep cleanse your face twice a day to kill the build-up of all sorts of bacteria, oil, and gunk (ew) on your face. I wasn’t even surprised when I read in an article published in Medical News Today that the most common cause of acne is excessive oil production. While this is usually caused by a hormonal imbalance, it can definitely be controlled by deep cleansing with a face wash that works for you – in a desperate attempt to rid my face of horrid zits, I tried the Neutrogena Rapid Clear Stubborn Daily Acne Facial Cleanser because of its “miracle-working” reputation, and let me just say that it left my face feeling more aggravated and inflamed than before! So please, use a face wash that works for your face so that it doesn’t end up looking (and feeling) like a tomato on steroids. Hint: it’s not pleasant at all.

Tone, tone, tone your skin

Honestly, I didn’t even realize how pivotal this step in cleansing my skin really was until I religiously followed through with it for a month. Let me tell you, it was a true life-changer for someone with porous, acne covered skin like mine. In fact, I’d be bold enough to say that it’s even more important to tone than it is to cleanse. Why, you ask? Well, washing your face or scrubbing it results in open pores, which, if not properly closed, is literally an invitation for foreign dirt and bacteria to seek a home on your beautiful face, resulting in acne. Needless to say, we hate that. So even when you’re having the laziest day and your bed is literally screaming your name, don’t forget to tone

Dry? Bye.

While some of you may be thinking, “Seriously? The oil on my skin is moisturizing enough,” it’s important to moisturize your skin, whether it’s oily or not. For those of us that have oily skin (myself included!), we tend to use products that strip our skin of any oils, which often leaves it feeling parched, even cracking sometimes. Nobody wants peeling and dry skin, especially not in the Boston winter! The key for oily skin is to use a water-based moisturizer rather than an oil-based one – this will allow your skin to feel happy and hydrated without making your forehead and cheeks shine too much.

Smooth sheets, smooth skin

I’m just going to admit that this next tip is very obviously over-the-top, but when it comes to my skin, I’m willing to do anything to help it! One of the things that fueled my acne was the material of the pillow cover being too harsh on my skin, so I decided to try sleeping on a pillow with a silk cover for a few weeks to see if it made my skin feel less agitated. Low-and-behold, it actually made my skin feel softer, appear less red in the mornings and even made a difference to my hair! So even though it is very, very, very extra, treat yo’ self!

Melt your makeup

All of us have had those long, long days when we dread the thought of doing skincare because we want to snuggle up in bed and call it a night – I feel you, girl. Honestly, in those moments, I think about the three zits that would pop up on my face the next morning because of suffocating my pores with makeup through the night. I find that, as hard as it was, ditching the quick and convenient make-up wipes for my au naturale, inexpensive virgin coconut oil was such a great decision because I never have to double cleanse! It effortlessly melts layers of the most stubborn make-up from the surface of your skin, right to the pores. And who doesn’t like a soothing massage before bed anyway?

I hope these little tips help your skin shine (no pun intended, of course!) because it has truly changed my skin over the years!


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My name is Anoushka. I am a Senior at Boston University, studying Journalism and Advertising. I am from Mumbai, India, the land of spices, culture, and colour. I love singing and basically anything that screams music. When I'm not writing or belting the notes to my favourite Adele song, I enjoy trying new foods (cooking and eating, of course), travelling around the globe, and looking for new ingredients to add to my superfood stash.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.