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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

In light of the cool and sunny weather this past weekend, it seems as if Boston is closing its winter chapter and starting to take on spring! As exciting as this weather change may be, we still experience the unwelcoming windy and chilly nights. With the temperature dropping, someone could catch a minor cold as sad as that might sound. That person would have to be taking cold showers and stepping out with wet hair every night, but anything can happen. I doubt that anybody is in the mood to getting sick during the spring season. Who would want to miss out Red Sox games, spring shows, and walks along the soon-to-be cherry blossom filled Esplanade? That is what I thought.

Here are five ways to avoid getting sick:

1. Sanitization  

A shocker, but it is highly important. I understand that some people prefer not to use an unscented Purell or any standard hand sanitizer when they eat because it will leave an undesirable smell on their hands. However, there are people who are too lazy to wash their hands and eat their meals regardless. No, no. Cleaning your hands with a napkin is neither sanitary nor acceptable. You should sanitize every minute, every second, every hour of the day iyiyi…never mind. You see my point. Carrying a sanitizer in your backpack or tote may seem hazardous, but you will be glad that you had it in the end. Never assume your hands are clean. It is better to be sanitized than sick.

2. Daily Vitamins

It may have been awhile since you studied the Food Pyramid, but it was taught for a good reason and it is worth examining again. With assignments and exams now piling up, our stress level will gradually rise. A common stress reaction is eating anything in plain sight in effort to calm the nerves. We must remember to watch what we consume on a daily basis even when we are under pressure. Before you know it, you will have had forgotten the last time you ate a piece of fruit or any kind of vegetable. In the dining hall, you can get a dose of Vitamin A and Vitamin C by eating apples and oranges, drinking OJ, getting carrots as a side dish, etc. Also, proteins and calcium will give you brain and muscle power! So the next time you plan to eat out or cook in, think strongly about your food options. Keep in mind: an apple a day keeps the Health Services away!

3. Mental Breaks  

These breaks can range from mental breaks to dance breaks. It is easy to get caught up in an assignment or a study session. To keep your brain from exploding, you should take 20-minute breaks in between Unit sections in any subject to retain all the information. Dancing to your top ten songs or watching interviews of your favorite celebrity are two ways to set your mind free. It is wise to take mental breaks so that you prevent yourself from experiencing tension headaches. Another way to relax your mind is surfing the web or wiring into social media. It may sound like the wrong idea but it is strangely healthy from what I have experimented. Turning your attention towards something else helps by clearing your thoughts and preparing you for the next study round. But hey! Only 20 minutes of mindless activity, okay?

4. Sleep

Sleep is good. We need to get as many good goodnights sleeps as we can in order to have enough energy to carry ourselves throughout a single week. In reality, getting a fair amount of sleep is difficult to come by in college. Between juggling extracurricular activities, job office duties, and managing schoolwork, squeezing in a 10-15 minute nap is heaven. Staying up late to finish a paper is one thing, but playing “2048” until 5 a.m. is not healthy. You do not want to be diagnosed with sleep deprivation just before finals week. Manage your hours wisely and maintain a consecutive sleeping routine.  

5. Exercise

Taking care of your body is as important as taking care of your mind. Exercising releases endorphins and we all know that endorphins make your happy! (Thanks, Elle. That line never gets old). Staying active empties all the negativity out of your system and ultimately recharges your body. Exercising three or four times a week seems like a lot, but you can simply perform indoor workouts to save time. If you have not done some physical activity in more than two weeks, your body will shut down. You want to keep your body fully generated so that your immune system can fight off the bacteria. Strive to be healthy and finish the semester feeling strong!



Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.