It’s hard to believe, but finals are already fast approaching, and most of us are coming to the scary realization that the deadlines for our final projects are far closer than we anticipated. Instead of assuming the fetal position, take some time to look over my top 5 tips for avoiding finals season stress.
Work Out
Even though you might not want to take the time out to haul yourself to Fitrec, working out definitely helps relieve some stress and makes you feel empowered and focused. In the words of Elle Woods, “Exercise releases endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!” And happy people just don’t resort to the fetal position, they just don’t.
While I’m sure (or at least hope) you’re not completely hyperventilating while contemplating everything you have to get done before the semester’s end, it’s always good to take a few deep breaths before your stress level gets out of control. Somehow, a nice deep breath always reminds you to calm down and pause the panic attack.
Don’t Procrastinate
Easier said than done, but don’t be tempted to put off final projects and papers until the last minute. If you’re already in this position don’t worry – we believe in you! If you still have time before everything is due, make yourself a schedule where you work on a little section each day and actually stickto the schedule.
Reward Yourself
Finished your paper? Followed your schedule of “To Do” lists for the week? Give yourself a little reward! Stop by Zinga! or Pinkberry and pick up some feel-good fro yo to boost your morale.
Take breaks
Even if you have to lock yourself in your room for days to get everything done, don’t forget to take little breaks! Take a few minutes to listen to some pump up songs to keep you going, grab a Kit Kat bar, or just take a little walk to switch things up. Your attention span isn’t built to stay mega-focused for hours and hours, so give it a break once in a while!