Laura Brubaker, a sophomore studying photojournalism, is one busy lady.
You can catch her hanging around the WTBU station, hanging around being News Director, or during one of her three shows: The News (Thursdays 6-8pm), Buffalo Buffalo Buffalo (Wednesdays 2-4pm), and Left of the Dial (Fridays 4-6pm). For Laura, the best part about WTBU is all the great local music she gets to play, plus the in-studio performances from bands she brings in, like Boston artists Grass is Green, Friendo, and Donald Heller. She’s even brought a few bands to the station from her stomping grounds back home, like Philadelphia’s Lamagier and The Hospital Blues from Central PA.
“Local music and the encompassing scene are my life and passion, straight-up,” says Laura. As if her involvement with BU’s radio station wasn’t enough, she pursues her passion for music even further by working as a writer/photographer for Allston Pudding, nominated this year for Boston’s Best Music Blog.Â
In addition to radio DJ and music blogger, Laura adds “published photojournalist” to her long list of accomplishments. As a photojournalist, Laura has contributed to publications like the FREEP and the MUSE, in addition to shooting for bands, venues, and various organizations. You can check out some of Laura’s photography on her blog, .
The Pennsylvania native with a hip pixie-cut is instantly at home in the local music scene. With her schedule full of concerts to cover, bands to photograph, and interviews to conduct, “free time” isn’t something Laura is used to, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. “I’m way too busy for existing, but it’s definitely worth it. I get to work with some really excellent people, doing totally awesome things. I’m really excited to see where this all will take me in the future, but for right now I’m just having a totally awesome time doing really, really cool stuff”