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Best Reads to Start Off Your Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

In the midst of a demanding academic schedule and whirlwind of a week, there’s nothing like the comfort and intrigue of a good story to get lost in. While days of summer lounging and lazy reading by the pool are a wistful memory of the past, there is no better way to start off your semester than with these fantastic reads. So find a nice sunny patch of lawn (check out BU beach or a spot along the esplanade) or snuggle up under the covers and delve into any one of these must-read books:


1.     Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn

A psychological thriller filled with mystery and quick wit, Gone Girl explores the disappearance of a woman whose husband could potentially be her killer. With its razor-sharp narrative and endless trail of cliffhangers and enigmas, this book will surely keep you on the edge of your seat. Make sure to read this book before it hits theaters on October 3rd starring Ben Affleck.


2.     Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling

As the title suggests, Kaling seems to allude to a real and ever-present fear that we all are victims of: FOMO (fear of missing out). As a collection of memoir-like essays told by none other than the hilarious comedian Mindy Kaling from the star of the hit TV series The Mindy Project, this book is full of numerous laughs, hysterical anecdotes and many relatable insights.


3.     Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand

Looking for a more serious read? Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand will quench your thirst for adventure  unlike any other non-fiction story. Inspired by the life of World War II veteran and famous Olympic runner Louis Zamperini, this book is a beautiful masterpiece of immense courage, stamina and determination in the midst of hardship. The story will be brought to life in cinemas on Christmas day.


4.     Man Repeller: Seeking love. Finding Overalls. by Leandra Medine

Calling all fashionistas! Based off the witty and unique blog that started it all, Man Repeller, a term coined by the author herself, is a quirky and empathetic autobiography written by fashion mogul Leandra Medine. This charming-but-not-so-charming story calls to the awkward formative years we have all endured and using fashion as a tool to find yourself and express individuality.


5.     Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter

Still reminiscing over summer travels or dying to study abroad? Well, Beautiful Ruins is a perfect fit for all you jet setters. Written by Jess Walter, Beautiful Ruins is a sensuous and exquisite experience of picturesque Italian villages and plot intricacies that weave together a host of characters from all different walks of life.


Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.