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Five Ways to Keep Yourself Busy While Social Distancing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Are you also struggling to entertain yourself while staying at home? If so, here are five things to do I’ve discovered that bring a bit of joy back into my life!

Take walks

As simple as this sounds, just walking through my neighborhood once a day has provided me with some alone time and fresh air. Soak in that Vitamin D and go on a walk!

Buy “Animal Crossing: New Horizons” on the Nintendo Switch

Animal Crossing has been my greatest joy here at home. In the game, you live on a newly occupied island with several villagers, and as you work to grow the island’s popularity you can catch bugs and fish, dig up fossils, and befriend your neighbors! Even playing for an hour or two each day is plenty of fun and never gets boring.

Clean and organize your room

My bedroom at home is very dated and was last decorated in middle school. Since I anticipate living here for a while, I’ve been reorganizing so that it feels more modern and cozy. For starters, just hanging up some photos of my friends has added personal touch. An inexpensive way to do that is by making an account with Shutterfly. The company will print 100 photos for free, just pay shipping costs!

Dig into an artistic endeavor

I’ve always loved photography, and living at home has provided me tons of time to take more photos! Find what you’re passionate about and take this extra time to delve into it.

Zoom with friends

Hanging out with my friends and loved ones over Zoom may remind me of who I have to miss, but also returns some sense of normalcy to my life. I highly recommend keeping in touch with your loved ones virtually. After all, social distancing is key right now!

I hope these tips provide you with plenty of joy during this time of chaos. Stay safe and healthy!


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Cait is a junior at Boston University studying International Relations and Journalism. She is excited to continue writing and editing for Her Campus BU this Fall. On-campus, Cait is also a member of the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta where she holds an officer position. Other than writing, Cait loves photography, her cats, and exploring the effects of nuclear proliferation. You can find out more about Cait's plans and goals at www.caitmeyer.com
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.