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How ‘Barbie’ Redefined Blockbusters

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

Many of us grew up surrounded by blockbuster franchises. Whether it was seeing them in theaters, renting them from a Redbox machine, or watching them on late-night TV, movies like Spiderman and Pirates of the Caribbean defined a generation. These action-packed movies took hundreds of millions of dollars to produce and surpassed said marker at the box office in their first year in theaters, landing them the title of “blockbusters.”

It’s well known that the film industry is male-dominated; we see it every year during the Best Picture category at the Oscars. According to a study done by San Diego State University, 85% of the highest-grossing films in 2021 had more male characters than female. This often results in blockbusters being marketed towards boys. However, in recent years, blockbusters have been lost in a sea of indie films and up-and-coming streaming services. An article by Forbes explores the reason for the decline in movie theater attendance, noting rising prices at the theaters, post-pandemic isolation, and, of course, increased accessibility to streaming platforms. Why pay $30 to go to one movie when you could pay $12 and have access to thousands?

In 2023, the blockbuster genre was not only revived but redefined. In July, Greta Gerwig’s Barbie hit theaters with a splash at the box office. According to an article by The Guardian, Barbie made an astounding $356 million in its opening weekend, making it the highest-grossing female-directed film of all time. The film, starring powerhouse Margot Robbie, is based on the iconic Mattel toy. The film tackles themes of self-identity, societal pressures, and gender norms.

If you had social media at the time, you’d know how this film dominated pop culture. People were dressing up to go to the movie theater, streaming the score on music apps, and sharing their anecdotes about the female experience. Whether you enjoyed the movie or not, its impact was undeniable, resonating with women and girls all over the world.

The question is: Why did this movie perform as well as it did?

One could argue it was because of nostalgia—many people grew up with the Barbie toy. Or maybe it was the star power of Margot Robbie that brought people to the big screen. But I think it goes deeper than that. This film was made to appeal to a different demographic than blockbusters usually do: women.

Although Barbie was intended for people from all walks of life, genders, and sexualities, the main objective was for women to see their own experiences reflected in the film industry in a way they’ve never seen before. Barbie shows women’s strength not as physical or mental toughness but as the strength that exists in femininity. Barbie reinvented the blockbuster genre, proving that women don’t have to be in action or superhero films to top the charts.

Barbie showed the film industry the power of a female audience. It also reinforced that film festivals and streaming services should not shun the female experience but instead allow it to make splashes in box offices around the globe.

Let’s keep the ball rolling.

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Isabella Hobbs is a current member of the Her Campus Boston University editorial team. She is a freshman majoring in Journalism at the College of Communication with hopes of becoming an author/journalist one day. In her free time, Isabella enjoys reading, watching 2000s tv shows, shopping, and spending time with friends.