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How Easter Is Celebrated Around the World

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

In the United States, Easter is often celebrated with the Easter Bunny, chocolate, bunnies, jelly beans, colored eggs, and egg hunts. I thought it would be really interesting to see how Easter is celebrated in different parts of the world and how it is similar or different to what the United States does on Easter.

1. France.

In the United States, children get Easter treats from the Easter Bunny, but in France, children get treats from the Easter Bells. According to Catholic Easter traditions, churns bells can ring between Holy Thursday and the Easter Vigil. A legend evolved in France that said the church bells weren’t allowed to be rung because they grew wings and flew to Rome to be blessed by the Pope. Then, the Church bells would return on Easter with presents and other treats for the local children.

2. India.

While Christianity only makes up 2.5 percent of India’s population, there are still festivities, especially in the northeastern areas. For instance, Goa celebrates with carnivals, plays, songs, and dances.

3. Poland.

In Poland, people prepare for Easter a day before through the “blessing basket.” A basket is filled with bread, sausages, and colored eggs. The basket is then taken to the church to be blessed. In addition, the day after Easter young boys fill up their water guns and buckets and target girls. Legend says that the girls who get soaked will marry within a year.

4. Italy.

Italy celebrates Easter with a 350-year-old tradition called scoppio del carro. This translates to “explosion of the cart.” A cart is filled with fireworks and an elaborate and beautiful firework show is performed.

5. Greece.

On the Island of Corfu, residents take part in the annual “Pot Throwing.” They throw pots and pans out of their window. This tradition marks the beginning of spring, and the throwing of the pots is supposed to symbolize the new crops that will be gathered in new pots.

6. Spain.

In Verges, Spain the residents celebrate with the tradition known as “dansa de la mort.” Which is translated into a death dance. Everyone dresses up as skeletons and parade through the streets.

Growing up in the United States, I know that traditions range from family to family, but it is really interesting to see the different kinds of traditions around the world that are drastically different to the traditions in the United States. This helps put everything into perspective. I think it would be really fun to participate in some of these traditions.


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Sophia loves everything bagels with cream cheese
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.