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Last Call: Making The Most Of My Last Semester Of College

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

“Four years will fly by!” I was repeatedly warned.

As a high school senior who just committed to Boston University, four years felt like a lifetime away. Yet, here I am, writing this as a college senior, reporting to you that the rumor is in fact true.

Up until last week when I officially ordered my scarlet red cap and gown, it hadn’t fully set in that a very finite amount of time remains until I walk across the stage, accepting my diploma. I was expecting that when it did sink in, I would feel anxious and worried about what was to come, but I felt just the opposite: I became determined to make the most of every second of this sacred semester.

Similarly to hearing that four years will fly by, another classic phrase, that I’ve so often been asked is, “Has the senioritis set in yet?” If you ask me while I’m concentrating on an essay or finishing a long assignment, the answer would be “duh, yes.” But, in every other situation, and with no plans of continuing into graduate school, I’ve become very sentimental about my schoolwork.

This semester, I’ve noticed myself putting in extra effort on even the smallest assignments, because who knows when my last-ever pop quiz will be.

By switching my mindset, I’ve been able to transition from “why do I have homework?” to “how lucky am I to have homework?” Specific grades may not matter in the long run, but four years of reading, writing, presenting, deadlines, and organizing are fundamental to future success.

The beginning of this semester has also taught me that ‘future success’ looks different for everyone. Planning for the future is important, but what is also important, is being able to realize that the ‘post-grad era’ is one of the only times in our lives that is not and does not have to be planned.

How beautiful is that?

A large group of us will be graduating in May, but some will not. Some have jobs lined up for the summer, some do not. Some will move back home, and some will travel. What brings me peace is knowing that timelines are not always comparable or linear to your peers; I trust that everything will happen as it is supposed to.

While we are in a time when the paths of our friends are still crossed, lean on them. Having fun and making memories is just as important as academic commitments.

Of course, I will still prioritize academics, but I’m learning that balance is key. I have had some of the most beautiful nights already this semester, like watching BU win the Beanpot or simply going out with my girls.

These moments will keep us intertwined forever, even if we’re on different life paths after college.

My advice to other college seniors: be the first to raise your hands in class, dance with your roommates in the kitchen, lock in for that dreaded paper, and say yes to dinner plans. By finding sentiment in every corner of my last semester of college, I’ve been able to feel fulfilled academically, socially, and personally.

My LAst tip: Soak it up, the four years really do fly by.

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Anna is a senior at Boston University studying public relations and Spanish. She is the current Marketing Director of HCBU. She is from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin but has found a second home in Boston! She loves to write about college advice, travel and lifestyle!