It’s here! It has finally arrived! The end of the semester is gracing us with its presence and I have been waiting for a long, long time. I can see it, the light at the end of the metaphorical tunnel that is summer vacation. But despite it being a glorious time of celebration, the end of semester has its downfalls. There is no good without evil, right? Ugh. It’s such a double-edged sword when you really think about the end of the semester.
Pro: Less than two weeks until no more school work for three months!
Con: You will put your body/mind through one of the worst experiences of your life: finals.
Your Housing Situation
Pro: You get to (hopefully) leave dorm housing and the god awful communal bathrooms for your bedroom at home. Filled with your belongings and no other human beings.
Con: You have to somehow get all your belongings back home. Besides finals, packing up your dorm room is one of the most stressful experiences of your life. WHERE DID ALL THIS CRAP COME FROM???
Pro: You get to see your friends that don’t live nearby or make some new ones, which is always a good time. You won’t see the same damn people every time you just want to get a bowl of cereal in your sweat pants. Also, all those awkward encounters with people you REALLY don’t want to see (you know who they are) cease for three months.
Con: There’s a reason you haven’t necessarily kept in touch with all the people who you went to high school with.
Soon You’ll Get to Spend Time with Your Family
Pro: Yay, family time! Home cooked meals, hugs from people that love you, snuggling with your pet. So many things to look forward to
Con: Three months is a long time. Your parents don’t appreciate you stumbling in at ungodly hours unlike the security guards at the dorms. Worse, sometimes they even expect you to put pants on.
Upcoming Summer Jobs
Pro: Not much matches the feeling of getting your first paycheck of the summer. Making money opens up a new world of possibilities. You don’t have to beg your parents for money all the time (even though you still will) and hanging out with your coworkers actually isn’t that bad.
Con: You have a job that requires you to be responsible and get up before the sun on most occasions.