If you have scrolled through any form of social media lately, chances are you have read the statement, “strong is the new sexy.” The point of this message is to empower women to believe they don’t have to be a size 0 and constantly losing weight to be “sexy.” The idea of women empowerment, however, misses the mark with this motto. It suggests that a high level of fitness and “clean” foods is the only path to create a beautiful body. “Strong is the new sexy” is simply picking another body type that women should now strive to look like.
Strong women ARE sexy. But strength doesn’t only mean physically strong. Women empowerment isn’t about labeling. We are all women. Whether skinny, athletic, pear-shaped, curvy, tall, short. Women are sexy. Real women are sexy. Most important, HEALTHY women are sexy.
When you walk down Commonwealth Avenue each morning, you will notice college women of all shapes and sizes. Each type is beautiful, and we shouldn’t let society and the media’s labels define how we feel about ourselves. College is a short time in our lives, and it would be a shame to allow body labels to interfere with enjoying these four years. Health and happiness should be your highest priority, no matter which lifestyle enables you to reach that health. Just because you don’t workout constantly and follow a strict diet, doesn’t mean you’re less beautiful. On the other hand, there is absolutely nothing wrong with women who choose extreme fitness and “clean eating” as a priority.
As college women, we can’t shame each other. We can’t shame a girl who chooses a salad from Loose Leafs instead of Rhett’s curly fries, just like we can’t shame a girl eating Ben & Jerry’s instead of a Greek yogurt parfait. Focus on your own health; focus on having fun, and focus on loving yourself, no matter what label you believe society has created for you. We are all real women. And real is the new sexy. #ProudtoBU