Let me start with the good news; As students, we only have two months or so left until summer break! All of my family is in Russia, 10 hours away across the Atlantic Ocean by plane. I miss them a lot, but part of how I make it easier is I keep myself very busy. I love work, and even at times, stress. I keep telling myself that one day I will be able to pay back my family with the same love and money they have invested in me. And with the warmer spring weather, the days will run much faster than they did in the previous cold, winter semesters, and you’ll see your family and home friends sooner than you think.
Here are the steps to making your arrival back at school easier:
1st: Unpack!
The minute you arrive, unpack. Your college besties and your roommate can wait. If you’re arriving in the morning or midday your unpacking will be much easier and faster if you don’t leave it until right before you go to bed.
2nd: Finish up any homework.
If you’re an amazing procrastinator like me, you probably have left a paper or two to the last minute. Run to the library, finish it, print it, and be done with all the school work.
3rd: Plan your week (or at least the next three following days).
Plan everything, from class times to your workout sessions. Write them down by hand in your planner or set digital reminders, whatever works.
4th: Clean your room!
This one is my favorite. Maybe I am turning into my mother after all… Wipe off all the dust that has been cluttering there in your room. Throw away any old papers; essays, worksheets, homework from last semester. Make sure you have them saved in your computer, that A on your essay might be handy in your next internship interview.
Finally, the most important tip is to go to bed early, or if you’re a night owl, at least try to. Start your first day of the spring semester with a clean room, clean computer, and a clean, strong mindset to keep getting/trying to get those A’s/B+!
Good luck and welcome back everyone!
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