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Sundays with Margo: Freaking Out About My Career Path

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

When I was thinking about what I wanted to write about for this week’s column, my first thought was that I honestly did not want to write at all. This week, I had a variety of thoughts and it’s such a collision of them that I am going to break them down in bullet form and then give some context.

  • First of all, wow I was so stressed and so sad this week. The amount of tasks that I had to do for my specific major made me so stressed that it made me not like my major — journalism — at all. This really scared me and made me wonder if I was even meant to do what I want to do.
  • I personally feel like people assume that I have everything in my life together and, because of that assumption, I’m just fine and happy and cheery all the time and never need help. This is a double-edged sword: I assume myself that I don’t need any help and I can get anything done academically and emotionally; from here everything piles up and I get sensitive about how no one asks me how I’m doing. I’m the girl dishing out the advice so people assume that I don’t ever need any. There were moments this week where I wanted to scream that I’m a human too! I’m not a super robot that can do everything in the world, even though I have the drive. 
  • I just had one of those weeks where everything wasn’t going my way and simply put, it sucked.
  • I wasn’t one of those happy, cheery, balls of sunshine. It quite literally felt like I had a cloud raining on my parade all day every day for a week.
  • When I look back, I think that the internal competitiveness of my major and not feeling like a good enough writer and journalist truly made me upset. It caused me to be upfront with myself and wonder… am I not meant to do something even though it makes me happy? Am I not good at what makes me happy in terms of a career? Is this merely a hobby that I am trying to pursue as an occupation? I feel like this is a consistent thought of any college student, but because I am so set on my major, I hadn’t ever had any doubts on what I wanted to do. This is the first time that I got truly freaked out and had the “oh god if this doesn’t work out what am I going to do with my life?” thought.

But then Friday hit. I looked back on my week. I realized that a hard, stressful school week that causes you to feel really sad and rethink your whole career path means that you should continue to pursue what you love when you come out of it and it all still scares you with no regrets. 


Questions for the column? Email me at margogh@bu.edu


Until Next Sunday,


Margo Ghertner is the Editor-in-Chief for Her Campus Boston University. When the Nashville-native isn't writing and helping the other HCBU teams execute their projects, you can find her listening to business podcasts, baking, reading, and spending time with her friends.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.