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Ten Things That Happen When You Move Into Your First Off-Campus Apartment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

My friends and I recently moved into an apartment off campus in Allston. It’s been a trip. We’ve experienced quite a lot ranging from random fire alarms to random people in our apartment, and we’ve only been here a week!

Here are some of the things you’ll experience when you move into your first off-campus apartment:


1. Something scary will happen


The first night my two roommates and I slept in our new apartment, we decided to have a slumber party. Just as we were drifting to sleep, the fire alarm went off. It wouldn’t stop until my friend, Olivia, threw an oven mitt at it. Then, just as we went back to bed, a picture fell off the wall which made a huge noise. But, we got through it and came out stronger.


2. A random person will wander into your party

Last Thursday night, we had a get together with some friends. It was probably 11:30, and people were going in and out of our apartment. Somehow, the door didn’t close, and a random guy wandered up our stairs into our apartment. He was harmless and just wanted to chill, but needless to say we didn’t let him stay too long and locked the door after.


3. You’ll throw parties

Parties are much easier to throw in an apartment versus a dorm room. There are no RAs to ruin the fun, and usually, there is more space in an apartment. Parties will just come together quickly as long as the right people are there.


4. You will need to buy lots of water, juice, and snacks

As I mentioned earlier, parties will happen last minute when you live in an apartment. This is why it is important to have mixers, waters, cups, ice, and snacks on hand. A few favorites at our place include gushers, fruit roll-ups, and Scooby snacks.


5. You’ll meet the neighbors

Neighbors can be tricky. If you like playing loud music and throwing parties, you better hope they’re young and cool. If they’re not, you’re out of luck. Luckily for us, we live between two fraternity houses, so our noise is the least of anyone’s worries.


6. Moving in will be a trip

Moving a large couch up a narrow set of stairs is difficult, but it’s nothing compared to moving into Allston on September first — the day when everybody’s lease begins. The roads will be packed and there will be road closures.


7. You’ll realize the Allston crawl is alive and well


Nothing beats hanging out on our balcony after getting back from a party and watching the freshman saunter down the street looking for other parties. On an exciting night, the police will roll through and let off their siren. It makes for good people watching.


8. Things won’t work

Our hot water, oven, stove, and wifi didn’t work for a full week when we first moved in. We had to call our maintenance company to install new fire alarms and curtains. Everything works now, except for the stove, so life is good.


9. Freedom!

You will feel a fantastic sense of freedom when you move into an off-campus apartment. You’re really on your own, and you’ll feel very brave.


10. You’ll always have visitors

Friends will stop by all the time! It will be a blast, and your roommate’s friends will stop by too. Your social life will double due to all the new people you meet.


I can’t wait to see what happens next! I’ll keep you posted.

Hometown: St. Paul, MN City Editor at the BU Buzz
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.