If you’re a college student, you know the hell that is the university library. Though it is a necessary evil — and believe me, it is evil — you can’t help but curse the library for stealing not only your hours, but also your sanity.
If you’re a Boston University student, however, you deal with the hell that is Mugar Library. Words cannot describe how many pieces of my soul I have lost within those gray walls— or, more realistically, those small wooden cubicles. Mugar is not known for its beauty, or its warmth. In what truly sums up the Mugar experience, people often see the infamous Mugar rats crawling through while preparing for a test or writing a paper. It’s not a student favorite on campus.
However, since it’s a place my friends and I frequent, I decided to film a short vlog of my walk back to my dorm from Mugar. I also decided to do it on a particularly busy day —where I’m stressed out about two papers and my extracurricular responsibilities, all coinciding in the week before Thanksgiving. Follow me on my stress-filled journey!
Hopefully, you related to some of my qualms with Mugar Library, and you’ve found a little comfort that you’re not alone when you have that breakdown in that cubicle for the umpteenth time. We’re all in this together, BU students.
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