Confidence is a state of mind. It’s not a quality you inherently possess like a sense of humor or kindness. It’s an outlook on your life and yourself, and it can be incredibly hard to maintain on a 24/7 basis. Confidence can change your whole character and force of being. People say all of the time, the best quality you can have is confidence, and everything after that is secondary. But maintaining a balance of confidence is increasingly hard— especially in this society we have built for ourselves.
The world has trained us, in a way, to think against ourselves, to be over critical and never think we’re good enough. We get stuck feeling inferior when comparing ourselves to other people, and especially to other females. It’s so easy to start thinking, “oh she’s prettier than me, she’s sexier than me, she has more friends, she gets more guys, she has more fun,” and the hardest thing is to stay positive about yourself.
You get trapped in this loop of self-pity and it’s something we all struggle with now and again, and some more than others. You can fall down into this dark tunnel, but you can’t allow yourself to get stuck there. You always have to know that there’s a light inside of you and that you’re incredible the way you are. No one does you the way YOU DO YOU. It always feels better to walk into a room believing in yourself and radiating positive energy. And no matter how many times you get “punched in the confidence,” you never can allow yourself to get knocked down. So let’s continue to stand strong and make confidence our mantra!