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Top 5 Lazy Halloween Costumes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.



There are the people who go all out for Halloween, and then there are college students. Here are the top five costume ideas for people who want to celebrate the spooky holiday by exerting as little energy as possible.


1.)   “Cereal” Killer

Captain Crunch and Tony the Tiger better watch their backs.

2.)   Sim

Yaba gat? Ugaba do wadda mag du fabu!


3.)   Facebook

Take everything literally.


4.)   Fifty Shades of Gray

            Please don’t bring chains and whips to a Halloween party.

5.)   Protesting Nudist

The ultimate laziness.



Nicole is a junior Film/TV major at Boston University. She's an Argentinean first generation student who made the leap from Miami to Boston for college. She has chosen writing as a career for reasons no one can explain, except maybe with theories of her masochistic tendencies. She dreams of being on a writing team for a sitcom and someday becoming a showrunner of her own original show.