Sex: Female
Major: Speech Language Pathology
Wanted to be: A vet
Fall Career: undecided
Sex: Female
Major: Speech Language Pathology
Wanted to be: A Police Woman
Fall Career: Attending Graduate School to become a Speech Language Pathologist
Sex: Female
Major: History and Anthropology
Wanted to be: Elementary School Teacher
Fall Career: Attending Law School
Sex: Female
Major: Biomedical engineering with a minor in mechanical engineering and concentration in technology innovation
Wanted to be: A teacher, professional softball player, photo journalist, sports reporter, or doctor
Fall Career: Working in technical services at Epic systems, a healthcare software company
Sex: Male
Major: Dual concentrating in marketing and operations management
Wanted to be: A judge because his dad always watched court shows such as Judge Judy
Fall Career: Working for Liberty Mutual doing an HR development program, specifically internal consulting
Sex: Male
Major: Business management with a concentration in finance and management information systems
Wanted to be: A firefighter
Fall Career: Working for Ernst & Young as a Risk Advisor
Good luck to all the grads!