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Why I’m a “Fal Pal”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.

As a kid, I never had the opportunity to stay up and experience the whole late night TV scene. But as a college student who doesn’t consider going to bed until after midnight, it’s a whole new world to say the least. No one makes me laugh harder on a consistent basis—or has raised the bar for my future husband higher—than Jimmy Fallon. From his start on Saturday Night Live, where him breaking character was the funniest part of his sketches, I developed a crush on the funny man. So yes, you could say I’m a “Fal Pal” (name for a Jimmy Fallon fan) to say the least. He’s just the cutest little nugget, and his creative bits on The Tonight Show never cease to make me laugh. What else do you need in life? Here are the 11 reasons why I’m a “Fal Pal.”

1. First of all, his enthusiasm at the beginning of every show is just precious. Look at that smile. Look at him clap. It’s the definition of adorable.

2. He and Justin Timberlake have an incredible bromance. I don’t think anyone complained when there was “Timberweek,” and if they did, they’re a horrible person who doesn’t have a soul.

3. While we’re on the subject of friendship, his “frenemyship” (frenemy friendship in case you’re not familiar with the term) with Stephen Colbert just makes my heart explode with happiness.

4.  He knows the super important things to be thankful for every week. Also, a man who can write a good thank you note is a sign of a true gentleman.

5. His dog, Gary, is one of the cutest puppies out there. Her name being Gary is just the cherry on top of the cute sundae.

6. He has perfected the art of the sideways hop. It’s a hard move to master, trust me. Look at that form.

7. Jimmy takes competitions seriously and is a worthy opponent in any and all of the ridiculous games he comes up with. Lip sync battles are my personal favorite.

8. The times where Jimmy and Higgins go off on a bit are magical moments to witness.

9. He knows jokes for all situations. Interviewing a horse? No problem. He knows exactly what to say to make the demographic laugh.


10. While some talk shows can have awkward interviews here and there, Jimmy always makes it a hilarious interaction to witness, which just speaks to how genuinely great of a person he is.

11. His humor is family friendly without sounding like a poorly-written TV sitcom. That’s true wit there, folks. This talent is also the sign of intelligence. A quality missing from a lot of shows these days.


So thank you, Jimmy Fallon, for being a top-notch talk show host and an all around entertaining guy. Also, hit me up if you’re ever in Boston and we can just funkin’ go nuts.

Charlotte is currently a sophomore at Boston University studying Political Science and History, but hopes to one day rule the world. In her free time she enjoys eating food with melted cheese, going antiquing, and serenading her dog with Usher’s greatest hits.
Writers of the Boston University chapter of Her Campus.