When I began looking at colleges to apply to, I had this grand idea of what I wanted to do post-graduation. I thought that the major I chose was the perfect fit for me. At the time, I loved studying it and I was interested in the field, so I thought that I would love it in college.
I never would’ve imagined that only a semester later I would be switching my major.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love the major I originally applied to, but I realized very early on that I wanted to focus on a different aspect of the study. My original program was amazing and I don’t regret it. However, I found myself getting frustrated and dejected every time I left the classroom.
I felt like I was missing something, but I couldn’t possibly fathom that the plan I had for myself wasn’t going to work out.
After a semester of trying to convince myself that what I was feeling was normal and I was just experiencing the classic “adjustment period,” I realized that it was time to begin considering something else.
It hit me that the plan I created for myself was just that. A plan. A plan I made when I was a completely different person who had never experienced a college class.
When I came to this realization, I felt so many emotions – terror, excitement, but most of all, relief.
I was terrified because I felt like I was betraying a part of myself that worked tirelessly to get to that point just to throw it away, but I was also relieved that I found the cause of the issue. I immediately met with my advisor and told him everything I was feeling, and he guided me to any resources I would need to switch my major.
After switching my major, it honestly felt like when I got glasses for the first time. Everything finally made sense.
I didn’t leave the classroom questioning if I was on the right path. I left feeling excited for my future and who I am going to become. I feel secure in my choices and the only regret I have is that I didn’t listen to my feelings earlier.
Making changes to your plans is natural, especially when you’re constantly changing who you are and who you want to be.
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